Identity, Privacy, And Personal Freedom;
Big Brother vs. The New Resistance
Sheldon Charrett, 1999, Paladin Press,
POB 1307, Boulder CO 80306

review by MacLaren
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I just LOVE books like this, but I hate em too. I love em because theyıre chock full of all kinds of sly arcana relating to keeping the bastards down at Bureaucrat Central from shoving their thumb even farther up you ass than it already is. I hate em 'cause Big Brother is gonna glom on to them, read them, and then attempt to circumvent whatever crafty steps and measures as dwell within. Itıs an everlasting arms race between those of us who would cast off our shackles, and those of us who would build more foolproof shackles. Neither side, in the final analysis, will win; there can only be an unending series of temporary victories and setbacks for both sides. Hereıs hoping that things fall your way, and against the bureaucrats, when its your ass thatıs on the line.
This is a large (8 1/2 x 11) paperback book with over two hundred pages. Not very many photos (b&w), which makes more room for a wealth of wise words. The copyright date gives me a semi sense of security as far as the folks down at City Hall not having been able to adopt effective countermeasures for all that is described within. All in all, itıs just about as up to date as any of this stuff can ever hope to be. Job well done, Sheldon.
Whatıs inside? Good question. Youıd almost be better off asking whatıs not inside. Lotta damn shit in here. This things verging upon being an encyclopedia. Iıll just give you the twelve chapter titles and let you figure things out from there, ok?
1. Big Brother is Getting Bigger
2. The Battle Continues
3. How to Manufacture Professional-Quality Identity Documents
4. Obtaining Officially Issued Documents Under a New Identity
5. Mail and Address Privacy
6. Telephone Privacy
7. Internet Privacy
8. Freedom of Employment and Income
9. Social Security
10. Banking Privacy
11. Marriage Privacy (and I.D. Tricks)
12. Freedom on the Road
There, hows that? Iım guessing that if youıve got even half a headfull of smarts, you can see what Sheldonıs driving at here. The wealth of detail in each section is impressive, steadfastly refuses to sugarcoat anything, and looks like it just might be able to bail your sorry ass out of trouble some dark day.
Get this thing, read it, and then keep it around for use as the crackerjack reference book that it is.